Hello Spartan Regiment Family!
CONGRATULATIONS to the 2022 NTCA Scholastic A CHAMPION WINTER GUARD!!! It was such a great season for them, and we couldn’t be more proud. The Kerr Drum Line also won their NTCA contest on Saturday! Our future is in great hands!
It’s another busy week. We host NTCA Championships on Saturday, and we need your help! If you haven’t signed up yet, do it! It’s a lot of fun, and it helps raise $25,000 for the Spartan Regiment.
Percussion Rehearsals are 5-8pm every Monday and Thursday
Mon -
Tues - Wind Ensemble Rehearsal 7-8:30am
Concert Band Rehearsal 4:30pm-6pm
Drum Major Workshop 4:30pm-6pm
Wed - Wind Ensemble Rehearsal 7-8:30am
Concert Band Rehearsal 4:30pm-6pm
Thurs - Wind Ensemble Rehearsal 7-8:30am
Fri - NTCA Contest set up 4:30pm-11pm
NEXT WEEK (4/11)
Mon - Possible Wind Ensemble Rehearsal at BHS 6:15pm-7:30pm
Tues - Wind Ensemble Rehearsal 7-8:30am
Wed - Wind Ensemble Rehearsal 7:45-8:30am
Weatherford College Flute Festival
Want to expand your flute knowledge and playing experience? Check out the Weatherford College Flute Festival on April 16th! More information here.
Athletic Physical - Required for Marching Band
We must have an updated (2022) athletic physical on file for every student before marching season begins. BISD is hosting an athletic physical day on April 27th to make it easy and convenient for you! More information can be found here.
Band Banquet is coming up!
We want you ALL to be able to celebrate a fantastic year with us - it’s going to be fun! However, you MUST pay your Band Fees first. Check CutTime, make a plan to turn in your dues, or talk with a director about finding a solution now!
NTCA Percussion/Winds Championships - Saturday, April 9th
Mark your Calendars for SAT, April 9th!!! This is our last contest we host at CHS. Our NTCA Contest Fundraiser we host is an ALL DAY contest and requires all PARENTS & STUDENTS to pitch in and work at least 1 shift and/or donate food for volunteers. Please see below for the Sign-Up Genius volunteer sign up. This is a huge fundraiser ($25k) for the band boosters and supports the entire band, not just guard/drumline so we need everyone to help out to make it a success! Those on lesson/band scholarships are required to work to earn toward 10hrs of required volunteer time. Students in NHS also get credit toward volunteer hours.
UIL Concert Band Info and Rehearsals
UIL Concert & Sight reading preparation has already begun in daily classroom rehearsals for both bands. You should be hearing your student at home practicing their UIL Music
-Morning Rehearsals typically begin the week of February 15th
Senior Scholarship Applications DUE April 18th
Please click on the link below to review the packet for more information and deadlines. Applicants will need to scan and email Mr. Klein the completed packet. PDF file is preferred. There are phone apps that can assist with this. If you need help creating a PDF, you can request a help session with Mr. Klein.
2nd Annual Band Golf Tournament - May 21st
Location: Southern Oaks Golf Course
Do you know of anyone interested in playing in our Band Golf Tournament? There are lots of prizes and a silent auction! See our flyer for more information.
Important Spring Dates:
April 9th NTCA Percussion & Winds Championships - WE need 150 VOLUNTEERS! Big Fundraiser
April 13 UIL Concert & Sight reading Contest @ BHS
April 18th CHS Band Spring Concert 7pm - CHS Auditorium
April 26th Tyler Junior College/CHS Percussion Ensemble Concert (In Tyler, TX)
April 29th Dallas Winds Band Festival (Wind Ensemble - Friday)
May 7th - CHS Band Registration
May 16th Solo & Ensemble @ CHS
May 18th Senior Solo Recital for Scholarship Money
May 21st Golf Tournament
May 22nd Band Banquet (Sunday)
2022 Solo and Ensemble
**Letter Jacket requirement and TEST GRADE**
Our BISD Solo and Ensemble contest will be Mon, May 16th at Centennial HS. All wind & percussion players are required to perform at least a solo. Students who take private lessons should work with their teacher to pick out a solo appropriate for them. Seniors who perform a Class 1 solo and earn a division one rating at the contest have the opportunity to compete for Scholarship Money. (Senior Recital Wed, May 18th)
Form DUE by Friday, Feb 26th (form available in email)
Money is due by April 1st Payments made in CutTime
- *I'll let you know when payments can be made online
- *(If you are not using school music, order solo music ASAP)*
- Please fill out 1 form per solo & 1 form per ensemble.
GRADES! It is very important to stay on top of your grades from the BEGINNING! Turn in your assignments ON TIME and study for tests. Go to tutorials to get help. We need 100% of our Spartan Regiment to pass ALL of their classes. We prefer afternoon tutorials, but if the teacher only offers morning tutorials students are expected to attend morning rehearsal and then are dismissed at 8:05am to attend the 8:10am tutorial. Teacher must send Mr. Klein & Mr. Smith an email to confirm tutorial attendance.
Supply Checks are pass or fail, so if you are missing 1 item it is a zero. Students can bring items later for full credit before the end of the six weeks grading period. We do have supplies available for purchase in the band office (please have exact change).
Band Fees - PAST DUE
It's important to stay on track with the band fees. We purchase a lot of items for the students & pay for marching techs, colorguard techs, percussion techs, & masterclass teachers. Most of the money is spent in August. If you need a different financial arrangement than the $125 per month please email Mr. Klein. ALL payments must be made online through CutTime.
It's important to stay on track with the band fees. We purchase a lot of items for the students & pay for marching techs, colorguard techs, percussion techs, & masterclass teachers. Most of the money is spent in August. If you need a different financial arrangement than the $125 per month please email Mr. Klein. ALL payments must be made online through CutTime.
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